How can you avoid toxic people and situations?
The ancient Greek philosophers spoke of having a high level of Ethos; Which means virtue or moral excellence. Every time you make a move or a decision, you need to consider whether you are moving forward with full integrity and ethos. Imagine ethos to be like your ‘inner shield’; It will shield off impurities, deceipt and lies, trouble and toxic people….You will avoid trouble in general; It’s like the poet C.P.Cavafy writes in his poem “Ithaca”. Ithaca When you start on your journey to Ithaca, then pray that the road is long, full of adventure, full of knowledge. Do not fear the Laestrygonians and the Cyclopes and the angry Poseidon. You will never meet such as these on your path, if your thoughts remain lofty, if a fine emotion touches your body and your spirit. You will never meet the Lestrygonians, the Cyclopes and the fierce Poseidon, if you do not carry them within your soul, if your soul does not raise them up before you. For more inspiration, book your private life-coaching sessions with me via this link: programs.
Sometimes it feels like there is hardly any progress towards realizing our goals and this is frustrating...It reminds me of the Greek myth of Sisyphus... In Greek mythology Sisyphus (Greek: Σίσυφος) was the king of Corinth. He was punished for his self-aggrandizing, craftiness and deceitfulness by being forced to roll an immense boulder up a hill, only to watch it come back to hit him, repeating this action for eternity. Coming to nowadays, the P.D.S.A. Cycle (Plan-Do-Study-Act) is a well-known systematic series of steps for gaining valuable knowledge towards continual improvement of a product or process. Also known as the “Deming Wheel”. In the Alpha methodology, we believe in learning by reflecting on failures. Evaluating the outcomes and retrying to get further up the hill towards success. We do this by constantly adjusting our actions, after evaluating the reasons of recent failures. We call it “THE NEW SISYPHEAN CYCLE; A S.M.A.R.T.E.R. PATH TO SUCCESS.” The cycle begins with the PLAN step: This involves identifying a goal or purpose, formulating it in terms of S.M.A.R.T. Goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely). . These activities are followed by the DO step, in which the components of the plan are implemented by taking the nessasary actions. Next comes the CHECK step, where outcomes are monitored to test the validity of the plan for signs of progress and success, or problems and areas for improvement. Here comes the “E.R.” part of the cycle-of-success; We E.valuate the outcome and identifying the possible reasons for failure; (what was good, what was not so good and what good be better). R.edefine the goal, or even R.eformulate the approach and R.epeat the cyle. These steps are repeated over and over as part of a never-ending cycle of continual improvement. This is what we call The New Sisyphean cycle, the SMARTER way of improvement and success and learning by failures and pitfalls. Would you like to work with this method for you and your team? Contact me & my team, and we will arrange a specially tailored seminar in your country or in Greece. What is Leadership?
Leadership, a critical management skill; it is the ability to motivate a group of people toward a common goal without telling them what to do. Leadership is the process of directing the behavior of others toward the accomplishment of some common objectives. And influencing people to get things done, to a standard and quality above their norm and doing it willingly. What is YOUR Leadership Style? Leadership style is the pattern of behavior used by a leader in attempting to influence group members and make decisions regarding the mission, strategy, and operations of group activities. As a leader, you must envision the future and passionately believe that you can make a difference. You must see a changed world beyond the time horizon, create an ideal and unique image of what it could become and believe that your dreams can become reality. You must open eyes to your followers and lift their spirits. Through your attitude, magnetism and persuasion, you must enlist others in your dreams, breathe life into your company’s vision and get people to see exciting opportunities and possibilities for the future. What is your leadership style? SEE TODAY'S VIDEO & BOOK A SKYPE APPOINTMENT TO DISCUSS The ALKISTIS Method, "Leadership Training Seminars". The more serious and complex the problems, the more difficult decisions are, and the greater the risk.
The greatst challenges are both psychological pitfalls and all of the hypothesizing that goes on. When these "traps" coexist at the same time, then the final decision may be far from ideal. A term commonly used to describe such a complex or unsolvable problem, is “A Gordian Knot”. The term, can be traced back to a legendary chapter in the life of Alexander the Great: As the story goes, in 333 B.C. the Greek conqueror marched his army into the Phrygian capital of ‘Gordium’ in modern day Turkey. Upon arriving in the city, he encountered an ancient wagon, its yoke tied with…. what one Roman historian later described as, “several knots all so tightly entangled that it was impossible to see how they were fastened". Pyrgian legend had it that an oracle had declared that, any man who could unravel its elaborate knots was destined to become ruler of all of Asia. According to the ancient chronicler Arrian, the impetuous Alexander was instantly “seized with an ardent desire” to untie the Gordian knot. After wrestling with it for a time and finding no success, he stepped back from the mass of gnarled ropes and proclaimed, “It makes no difference how they are loosed.” He then drew his sword and sliced the knot in half. The young king was immediately hailed as having outsmarted the ancient puzzle. In a specially designed seminar for you and your team, we will be focusing on learning how to solve complex problems, by examining various tools and techniques, sourced from the most effective methodologies and approaches. It is an approach that helps executives of today's businesses respond to key questions that every business is concerned about today and in the future. This program will particularly emphasize creative thinking both in understanding and resolving the problem, as well as in the dynamics of decision-making through integrating intuition and reason. The duration of this seminar is 1 -3 days and can happen either in your local area or here in Greece as a special retreat. To book an introductory strategy session, to discuss details of this and other leadership seminars, click HERE. Note: This seminar will be facilitated by my business partner Christos Agro (and with me as co-facilitator), depending on the size of the group. A recent survey in the UK showed that 7 out of 10 people are lonely. The Britons even have a Ministry of Loneliness now ! Loneliness is a very big challenge in today's society...
Find out what the Greek philosopher Aristotle had to say about Friendships. You will be able to 'categorize' your friends to see where they belong in your life, and "let go" of people who are not really your friends. Watch today's video here & then, write your comments below. To book a one-to-one life coaching session with me. CLICK HERE I have often wondered, where are the 'super-heros' of today?
And I have to say that I thought of YOU ! Are you an entrepreneur with a big dream ? A businessperson with a vision of building a highly motivated and effective team ? A professional, with a calling to create a better tomorrow through your project ? Well then, this motivational message has been made to inspire you... Today's video was filmed with the magnificent backdrop of the Acropolis, of Athens, Greece, with a golden setting sun, to inspire and motivate you to overcome your greatest fears, and realize your greatest dreams. WATCH NOW & Leave your comments ! And if you enjoy this sort of easy listening, check out my deeply relaxing and inspiring mp3's for FREE. Sincerely, ALKISTIS The Odyssey, is one of the greatest ever epics of human history.
Why? It is a story about a hero, who has to overcome great obstacles to achieve his goal. It is written in such a way that every person can identify with this story...It is a story of perseverance over all odds. A story of victory, through learning the lessons of life...Once these lessons are learned, we will be successful: What are the 8 Moral Lessons of the Odyssey, that can help you on your life's journey and quest to realize your dream? Watch today's video and find out. Afterwards check out the ONLINE COURSE for Finding Your Life's Purpose. Trust me, it's probably EXACTLY what you need right now to 'Take charge of your life'. -Alkistis Do you know your 'Anger Triggers' ?
"Know Thyself" - Socrates, Greek philosopher While you might feel that you just explode into anger without warning, in fact, there are physical warning signs in your body. Becoming aware, allows you to manage your anger before it gets out of control. "No man is free, who is not a master of himself" - Epictetus Find out why this happens and how to master your "anger triggers" with these fast and effective 3 tips. Then, if you still want to explore your anger and how you can master "Self-Leadership & Inner Freedom", go ahead and check out the on-line course or go ahead and book your personal one-to-one session. -Alkistis Take Charge!
They are guaranteed to bring out the best in you and your team; To bring out the Gold Medalist in the "Olympic Games Of Your Life & Work"...
1. To balance body, mind & spirit: When the body mind and spirit are aligned and healthy, you will have true success. It’s not one-sided. 2. Leadership by example: Means to practice what you preach; Instead of telling & analyzing. Be a living example. Your word is your honor. 3. The pursuit of excellence. Like an olympic champion who practices every day, you too can practice excellence, as in Aristotle’s maxim: “We are what we repeateadly do, excellence is a habit.” 4. Humanity, Goodwill, Tolerance & Team spirit towards other people, and cultures. This shows a respect for differences among us, and to see how we can work together as a team towards the common objective that will benefit all stakeholders. 5. Self-Leadership: Think and act like a Gold champion: Resilience, Resourscefulness, Self-Leadership & Self-Confidence; Never slipping into self-pity and bitterness, if there are temporary defeats. Focusing on Positive Results. - ALKISTIS PS. These are the core values that are cultivated through The ALKISTIS Method for business teams. Read more about how I can help you and your team to achieve Gold results. Do you feel angry and frustrated lately?
Aristotle, the famous Greek philosopher... ... was the first philosopher to say that anger is OK. He actually said that, "Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy." So, next time you feel the blood rush to your head or foster feelings of anger in your thoughts try doing it his way. See the video and discover how to apply his wisdom in 5 simple steps, even if it is advice from over 2000 years old, it is still very relevant. Watch & Check out some of my DEEPLY RELAXING (ANGER MANAGEMENT) MP3's... It may be just the right cure for your anger and stress right now! - Alkistis |
January 2025