I want you to make yourself as comfortable as possible, for today we will be reflecting
on the wisdom of the great Greek philosopher, Socrates, who taught that we should endeavor to ‘know ourself’.... So after today’s guided meditation session you will…be more mindful of the things you think, say and do, making sure that they are aligned with your ethos and truth and virtue. This will make you a more fulfilled human being and you will waste less time and energy on things that are not important. Enjoy the video, and as always, make sure to leave a comment, or contact me with your views and questions ! From Athens, Greece This is Alkistis
Rather than being proud of the things you have purchased or that own,
it is wiser to be proud of the way you overcame your own weaknesses. We will learn this lesson well, as we will go over the teachings of Epictetus, the Greek-Stoic philosopher... So after today's session you will …begin to feel proud of all those virtues that you possess, instead of showing off that things that you bought, or own, or inherited from your family…this will ground you in real confidence, the kind that can never be taken away from you... And now, the guided meditation begins... you are being guided to a secret place on the island… The silvery-gold Olive Grove is rich with many beautiful trees, whose leaves rustle in the wind… When you arrive, you sit with your back against the tree-trunk of a very big, old olive tree and simply relax... As the breeze blows through the silvery-gold leaves you hear a message... It is in ancient Greek, and yet you somehow are able to understand it on a very deep level….you read it several times… ΕΠΙ ΜΗΔΕΝ ΕΠΑΡΘΗΣ ΑΛΛΟΤΡΙΩ ΠΡΟΤΕΡΗΜΑΤΙ.
PS. I love to read your comments and feedback after you do this meditation.
In today's guided meditation, you will be able to overcome anxiety and stress that is keeping you from being your whole, powerful, best self.
In the meditation, you will have the opportunity to encounter that part of your self that is calm and peaceful and can handle any difficult situation with wisdom and certainty. So just sit back on a comfortable chair and be led to this enchanting place of healing...in breathtaking Greece! Sincerely Alkistis Note: Today's video has been sponsored by www.vimoji.com, an extraordinary app that allows you to share your feelings through short video clips. Click on the image below to find out more! Want to reach thousands of CEOs and top entrepreneurs all over the world? Find out more about how your company can become a Patron of alkistisTV |