Part 2 of Ancient #Pythagorean "Tetraktys Power." Today you will be taking a journey to your Ideal Future through your Superconscious Mind... The Superconscious mind is the realm of perfect ideas, spoken of by Pythagoras and Plato. It is the realm of divine design. There is a divine design for each person.. there is a place that you are to fill and no one else can fill... something you are to do which no one else can do...and it's never too late to fulfil your destiny. There is a perfect picture of your ideal future in your superconscious mind it usually flashes across your conscious mind as an unattainable idea, something too good to be true... In reality it is your true destiny. Many people however are in ignorance of their true destiny and are striving for things and situations which do not belong to them and would only bring failure and dissatisfaction if attained… Jesus Christ taught also taught this, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you…” ...and he said the kingdom was within we humans... The Kingdom is the realm of right ideas or the divine pattern…. In the exercise which follows you are to simply watch the screen and all the patterns that appear. You will feel as if you are travelling through spacetime...Towards the end you will simply see a ‘black screen’ there is where your ideal life scenario will be revealed to you. This is your destiny. These are the ideal results for you. It will include, the perfect actions or professional occupation for you. The ideal mate for you. The ideal places for you to live and work in. It will reveal to you your ideal annual income. Your ideal weight. Etcetera... It will reveal to you many other events and experiences that you are destined for. Once you visualize your ideal world, simply take a moment to be grateful for this. Do not be upset if you are not able to see everything on your first inner journey. Simply repeat on a regular basis and all will be revealed to you.
BLOW YOUR MIND with the secret "TETRAKTYS POWER" that Pythagoras taught over 2,500 years ago.22/11/2021
What if you're asked: "Who are you?" The automatic response is to give your name and perhaps your profession or where you're from. By giving these details, you feel you've answered that question. But the answer is incorrect. Your name, profession, where you're from isn't you.
This guided meditation can inspire you to find our truth, beyond the persona you share with the world. It's based on Plato's "The Phaedo" . Here he presents his argument for "metempsychosis", as well as a few statements about the ethics of obeying the law. He gives arguments for why the Soul is eternal and therefore cannot be destroyed, and migrates across different bodies. In "The Meno" he argues that this is how we should account for innate, a priori knowledge, and why we must act with Virtue/Honorably. What if the Universe is self-aware? What if it’s conscious? Could it be a giant brain or Mind? Panpsychism from the two Greek words “Pan” (all) and “Psyche” (soul or mind) is the view that consciousness is fundamental and ubiquitous in the Universe. Pantheism from the two Greek words “Pan” (all) and “Theos” (God), is a doctrine which identifies God with the Universe, or regards the Universe as a manifestation of God.
“The Universe is alive and full of spirits...” Thales (c. 624–545 BCE).
Theoretical physicist, Freeman Dyson (Professor Emeritus, Princeton University) embraced panpsychism, and said that the Universe not only operates through our consciousness but has consciousness of its own. So could this be true?
First we have to establish what consciousness is. Neuroscientist and psychiatrist, Giulio Tononi, at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, has proposed a way to measure how conscious a thing is. He proposes that consciousness has to do with how much control a being has over itself or other things around it. This theory separates intelligence from consciousness, which are two different things. Supercomputers for example, which are highly intelligent, can routinely out-think humans and beat them at chess, but they don’t have a will of their own. The programmer controls it. So intelligence and consciousness are two different things. A being doesn’t need to be highly intelligent to be conscious. We can say that a tree is more conscious than a rock. A worm is more conscious than a tree. A cat is more conscious than a worm. A human is more conscious than a cat. And the ultimate consciousness could be the Universe itself. If this is the way consciousness works, then the complexity of an organism’s brain has something to do with its level of consciousness. And scientists, in fact have good evidence that the seat consciousness resides in brains. Consciousness seems to be a property of highly interconnected, communicating systems, like the brain which is an interconnected network of neurons that can fire chemical and electronic signals. Neurons are triggered by certain stimuli, and can send signals to each other. And large complex networks of these neurons seem to emerge into consciousness. The more complex the network, the more conscious something appears to be. Is there any evidence of such a “brain” or network of connections in the universe? Well, there is a humongous network of galaxies in the universe, many hundreds of billions of galaxies. This is not dissimilar to the network of billions of interconnected neurons in our brain. The difference appears to be that each of our brain cells can communicate or at least fire signals to other brain cells. Do the galaxies have such a communication mechanism between them? It doesn't appear so. But remember that at the center of almost all galaxies, there is a black hole. It's like the nucleus of a brain cell. What's happening inside a black hole? We have no idea because our equations break down at the singularity, at the center of a black hole – this is the point where time and space cease to exist and Einstein’s equations don’t work. Is it possible that something is happening here that we just don’t know about?
The black hole could only be similar to a brain cell if somehow they were connected
to each other, and could send signals to each other. If that was the case, a vast network of communicating trillions of black holes would act like a gigantic information processor, and indeed be intelligent and possibly conscious. This would truly be a kind of super consciousness that could theoretically control not only our universe, but perhaps time and space itself.
You decide for yourself.
One thing is for sure: Observing a situation or phenomenon changes it. In physics, the ‘Observer Effect’ is the disturbance of an observed system by the mere act of observation. The phenomena which operates at an atomic level affects the very nature of how we interact with the world around us and how we can impact our surroundings.Simply put, it’s fundamental to the reality we create and experience. The ‘Double Slit’ experiment (see image below) is a classic quantum physics experiment, which produces ‘the observer effect’. Understanding this phenomenon and how to apply this effect in our life and business interactions can propel you and your projects forward in fulfilling their potential.
When observing, atoms fired through a thin slit onto a screen produce an expected pattern, as you can see in the diagram below. With one slit you see one line of images, with two slits two lines.
However, when the experiment is left unobserved the pattern changes to become more like a wave. The event of observation, seemingly affected the atoms behaviour. When left unobserved they are amorphous, without shape or form, unaffected it would appear by any force of attraction. The attention paid to the atoms changed their behaviour and form to create the reality of atoms as we know them.
Could it really be true that the focus we place on events in our reality will create the outcome and create physical form where none originally existed? This in essence means that what you are focussing on, how you view yourself, your roles in life is the is being physically created in your reality. It’s a powerful reminder to have cohesive and positive messages in your inner conversations and thoughts.
It requires a stretch in current mainstream thinking to translate this proven phenomenon into your way of thinking, however, intelligent people like yourself think ahead of the curve, are already applying this key understanding of the nature of everything towards creating the outcomes they desire in life.
Refer to my webpage on Deep Relaxation to learn about the exercises that can help you to train your brain/consciousness, in the direction you desire, which will ultimately lead to a new reality/outcome that you desire.
Plato maintained that our body is nothing more than a vehicle for the soul, a sort of biological virtual reality suit. Through philosophy, we could expand our mind and come to the realization that what we perceive as reality is only a shadow of a greater reality. He explained this concept in his work, The Republic, using a simple allegory; the Allegory of the Cave. Plato was speaking about perceiving the fourth dimension and how when you realize this, you can be as powerful as a god, in manifesting anything you truly desire.
The shadows of these objects, project on the wall, but not the shadows of the people carrying them. The chained people see the moving objects and begin to ascribe forms and meaning to them.
When one of them is freed and shown the reality outside the cave, he comes to understand that the shadows on the wall do not reflect reality at all. From this point on, he can perceive the true form of reality (e.g. the true objects) rather than the mere shadows seen by the prisoners.
According to Plato, every prisoner that was freed also had the obligation to return to the cave and help free the other prisoners, although he may be mocked by them and even have to face hostility. This stresses the social responsibility aspect of Self-inquiry and Self-reflection. Some experts maintain that Plato was speaking about perceiving the fourth dimension. Why do these experts think so?
Plato was also very concerned with the study of mathematics and geometry at his academy in Athens. For example, the five Platonic solids (regular polyhedra) are the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, icosahedron, and dodecahedron. The regular polyhedra are three dimensional shapes that maintain a certain level of equality; that is, congruent faces, equal length edges, and equal measure angles.
There is ample evidence that Euclid himself studied at Plato’s Academy before relocating to Alexandria to write his Elements, which was basically a compilation of the then current mathematical knowledge including the discoveries of Pythagoras, Hippocrates, Eudoxus, Theudius, and Theaetetus. Using the knowledge gathered from these various sources, Euclid managed to construct a single unified system which eventually became known as Euclidean Geometry. Clearly, without Euclidean Geometry, there would be no hypercube or "Tesseract" - a representation of the 4th dimension.
Now this is very important to understand; Time is essentially the 4th dimension. Not the LINEAR time (ie in Greek "Chronos") you know through your senses: It is TIMELESS TIME, (ie in Greek "Kairos") where everything is always happening. For example, the moment of your birth & the moment of your death ARE HAPPENING NOW in the 4th dimension. How can we use this knowledge? For example, say you are negotiating a business deal for $1m. You can 'connect' mentally with the 'scene' in the 'future', where you have received these funds in your bank account and being deeply grateful for the success of your project. This will 'activate' this version of the 'future' to happen in this dimension.