Watch this short Invitation Video, It's an introduction to my online course: "From Fear To Freedom- The ALKISTIS Method®" It has been hailed by many as 'The Most Powerful Method In The World for Self-Leadership'. Here's what you'll learn:
CLICK HERE AFTER SEEING THE VIDEO, FOR A FREE WEBINAR & MOR DETAILS, Then, enrol as soon as possible, because there's only the 'window' open between August 1st-7th (2021)
Who is your North Star? Who is the leader or person you measure yourself against? According to the Greek philosophers, this is an important question that must be answered urgently. The Stoics used the concept of the Sage as a hypothetical ideal to contemplate and measure themselves against. The Stoic Sage is a supremely virtuous, perfect human being. She is a completely good person and lives a smoothly flowing, happy life. She’s the ideal role model in the Stoic philosophy. This guided meditation will help you decide on who your role models are... You must always be pointing them out to yourself, as Seneca said. You must always be asking yourself how they would behave, what they would expect of you. You must strive and struggle to live up to their standard. “There is a need, in my view, for someone as a standard against which our characters can measure themselves. Without a ruler to do it against you won’t make crooked straight.” - Seneca RELAXING GUIDED MEDITATION on GREEK PHILOSOPHY STOICISM "Evening Routine of Pythagoreans & Stoics"20/7/2021 At the end of each day, sit down with your journal and review: What did you do? What did you do well? What not so well? How could you improve? Keep constant watch over yourself and put up each day for personal review, just like the Pythagoreans and Stoics: Why? - if you don't know where you went wrong, how are you supposed to improve as a person? If you don't know how you want to behave in the world, how can you be your best? Plus, you'll sleep much better with this routine. Watch video to find out more...
A short film I made with my niece Theope- A girl goes on holiday to see her aunt, all goes well until she loses something precious....(Watch until end, including 'bloopers')
One of the most advocated routines by the Stoics is to take time to look inward, examine, and reflect. The best times to do that? In the morning after rising and in the evening before you go to bed. Epictetus advises to rehearse the day in the morning, and then review your progress in the evening. At daybreak, we should ask ourselves a few questions, watch the video to find out what those are!
008 RELAXING GUIDED MEDITATION on GREEK PHILOSOPHY STOICISM ASMR "Stoic Resilience Training"2/7/2021 In today's relaxing guided meditation, we focus on how the Stoics used physical exertion as a way to practice and expand their resilience. Much like a muscle growing stronger with use, the mind can grow its ability to remain in a calm emotional state if repeatedly exposed to voluntary hardship. Epictetus used the analogy of “Hard Winter Training.” In ancient Greek times, warfare would stop during the winter months. The soldier that continued to train during these months would be far better prepared for combat in the spring than the soldier that did no training during this period. Therefore, the Stoics believed in exposing themselves to voluntary hardships during times of relative comfort in life to be fully prepared to meet difficulties when they arrive. |
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