The purpose of this exercise from The ALKISTIS Method is to help you to question, examine and ultimately to improve thoughts/beliefs that are shaping your perspective and your life, especially where you are experiencing anger and frustration.
TITLE: The Truth Shall Set You Free with 5 Socratic-Type Questions (Maieutics) Bring to mind, a particular THOUGHT-BELIEF that regularly worries, distresses or angers you, regarding your personal or professional life. Write down this exact thought and describe it in a sentence or statement. It is something you presently believe about a person or situation. In other words, make a statement about it explaining what you think, feel or experience. It could begin something like this: “I feel horrible about…” or “I feel angry… because….” or “ I am really frustrated….” Example: “I am very angry at Christoff because he shamed me about my work in front of other colleagues. He told me that it wasn’t good enough to be presented at the conference.” Write your THOUGHT-BELIEF (on a piece of paper or on your computer): 1. Now ask yourself the Socratic Question: ‘Is this THOUGHT-BELIEF True 100% ? (Yes or No) If the answer is ‘Yes’100 %- Notice how you think, feel & act when you believe that thought to be true. If the answer is ‘No’....then give it a % of Truth. Write that here:__________% 2. Now pass your THOUGHT/BELIEF through the ‘TEST OF DISTORTION’: Be honest, are you dramatizing, generalizing, over-personalizing? Now Summarize: “After TEST OF DISTORTION, the ‘original’ THOUGHT-BELIEF is ______% True” 3. IMAGINE FOR A MOMENT that you were an advocate for the OPPOSITE side: For example give evidence against your original THOUGHT-BELIEF. Give proof and arguments from the perspective that your (ORIGINAL) THOUGHT-BELIEF is not true. Are there circumstances when this thought did not or does apply? Be brutally honest about it. Now, has the context changed? Is it still 100 % true or partly true? This diagram may assist you in this process on showing how perspective affects our view of truth: What do you see here, an old lady (facing forward), or a young lady (facing to the back) 4. Who would you be without that thought ? How would your life be different? 5. How would rephrase, change or modify the original thought, so that it is more objective (steeped in logos and ‘positive’ pathos) and can give you more positive results ? Can you redefine or rephrase or change it into an empowering statement? Write this new statement down and read it often. If you like repeat the whole exercise several time until, it really begins to 'sink-in' that you are FREE, and have embraced a new reality. TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR LIFE...& leave your comment below. Alkistis PS.For more such exercises: The ALKISTIS Method E-Learning Academy.
Well actually, hidden in this allegory is the secret of how you can attain Self-leadership and Inner Freedom;
Plato introduces the 'Allegory of the Cave', to transmit the idea that most people are not just comfortable in their ignorance, but hostile to anyone who points it out. With the Cave Parable, Plato is warning us, that we are essentially prisoners of our mind, in a deep trance of ego-projections and all sorts of distortions of the truth which cause us to be frustrated, angry, and stressed; The decisions you will make are less affected by your biases, preconceptions, superstitions and emotions, like chained prisoners re-acting to shadows. Inner freedom means that instead of re-acting to whatever outer circumstances are coming your way, you have the power to control your thoughts and to manifest the kinds of feelings and experiences that you want, that are based on Truth. TAKE A MOMENT OF REFLECTION ... Think of an area in your life where you are under-performing or feeling angry and frustrated… Then ask yourself: In which circumstances do I typically distort reality, over-react based on these limiting thoughts, and then have regrets because I couldn’t see the situation clearly to begin with? Am I prepared to continue repeating this negative pattern, vicious cycle, or do I want to get coaching/mentoring to transform myself and the situation?What will continue to happen if I don’t get coaching/mentoring/re-training? Am I prepared to live with these consequences, or am I worthy of breaking free from this ‘prison’? Go back and review this video, and really go through the questions one by one, and take time to answer them. Then, if you are feeling stuck, or you want to process your answers, go ahead and book one of the coaching program with me. Take Charge of Your life! Alkistis |
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