I want you to make yourself as comfortable as possible, for today, you will learn about the Stoic Lesson that you shouldn't let other people dictate how you live.
Whether those people are mentors, teachers, coaches or society, you should do your own due diligence. This life is yours. This responsibility of "How I should live my life?" falls on you. You can't delegate it to others. After today’s guided meditation, you will start listening to your intuition. And you'll feel much better in the end.
This is Alkistis, Confidence & Self-Leadership Coach P.S. If you liked today's meditation, go ahead and become a patron, so that the quality is constantly improved!
I want you to make yourself as comfortable as possible, for today, you will learn about the Stoic lesson that, “The obstacle is the way” … You will learn that even though your actions may sometimes be impeded, there can be no breaking your deep Will... And as you adapt you will learn how to transform every obstacle into something that strengthens your resolve. After today’s session, you will begin to see every obstacle as fuel to the fire of your determination...
If you like today's episode and want to support the constant improvement of production, go to www.patreon.com/alkistis
Facing your fears, especially of failure, can be done in a very methodical manner. When we write down the worst possible outcome that we can imagine, and then offer a 'responsible answer' to each one of our fears and reservations. Using the power of "Logos" (logic, reason, usefulness) you can rationally answer to the voice inside your head that's telling you that... "You aren't good enough, to be successful." or "You are going to fail, so why bother..." Find out more about this approach, by watching today's episode of 'alkistisTV' and then, head on over to www.patreon.com/alkistis to support the constant improvement of this program.
Warm Greetings from Athens, Greece
This is Alkistis, Confidence & Self-Leadership Coach Today I will discuss about the secret of strong personal presence... Have you ever met someone who walks in and owns the room? They may not be the most outspoken person in the room, but they have ‘something’ about them that makes people warm to them, talk to them and remember them. That ‘something’ is their personal presence, their charisma. How can you improve on your personal presence? Find out in today's episode of 'alkistisTV'... And if you like the video make sure to leave a comment and go to www.patreon.com/alkistis so that you can support the constant improvement of this channel.
This is Alkistis, Confidence & Self-Leadership Trainer, webTV host. Are you living your Truth? ...Or are you thinking one thing, saying another thing, and doing another? If so, then you are not 'aligned' with your Truth and this weakens you... Today we look at 'Ethos', the ancient Greek notion of having Values and living according to your values. You will find why Ethos is so important for others to trust and respect you. If you enjoyed today's video, head on over to www.patreon.com/alkistis to show your support for this channel.
Warm Regards from Athens, Greece
This is Alkistis, Confidence & Self-Leadership Trainings. TAKE CHARGE !
Do you often think of changing your life?
How will know when you are ready? Answer this ONE question...and you will know it's time. You will also need to take a serious look at some of the "ugly truths" or "downsides" of your proposed new life. See today's episode of 'alkistisTV' to find out more. And if you like this video, become a patron, so that the production quality can get even better! From Athens, Greece This is Alkistis, Confidence & Self-Leadership Coach You can become a director of your life. You can do this by being in control of your perception of events. Like the ancient Greek Philosopher Epictetus said - "Men are disturbed, not by things, but by the principles and notions which they form concerning things." Watch today's episode of alkistisTV to see it explained during a recent seminar, and then become a patron of 'alkistisTv' to keep improving the production quality.
In this guided meditation, you learn one of the central lessons of being a Stoic, which is to “Go with the flow”.
A man who goes into a quickly-flowing river and attempts to swim upstream will get tired quickly and make little forward progress. Life is just like such a river and wishing and working against what happens to us is futile. (Learn about Stoic Lesson 3 from The Enchiridion of Greek philosopher, Epictetus.) This is Alkistis, Confidence & Self-Leadership Coach You can listen to the UN-INTERRUPTED, CLEAN version of this mp3 on PATREON
In this guided meditation, you learn one of the central lessons of being a Stoic, which is to do the right thing i.e. “Do What’s Right”
Living virtuously is one of the only things that should be more important to you than any financial or short-term gain. As a result, you become more resilient and less prone to anxiety, leading to a happier life. ( Stoic Lesson 2 from The Enchiridion of Greek philosopher, Epictetus.) Take Charge, This is Alkistis. PS. Download the WHOLE uninterrupted mp3 and support the constant improvement of my work, by becoming my patron via from www.patreon.com/alkistis |
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