Today I share with you a Powerful Greek 'mantra' that Trains Your Brain for Optimum Results for Health & Success in Anything ! The vibrational frequency of the Greek language has a powerful effect on the brain.
The Greek language is a universal language, an intelligent language that vibrates in very special frequencies that help us increase our perception and focus. "Several studies by Greek and foreign scientists have indicated that the Ancient Greek language, apart from being a living language, is also a therapeutic one, as it is said to posses the ability to cure many disorders, for example dyslexia.According to a theory by British classicist Professor Eric A. Havelock, which is based on the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, the ancient Greek alphabet caused many abstract concepts to be conceived in the ancient Greek world, due to the unique brain activation of its users. The theory is presented along with many other conclusions by top foreign scientists, philologists and linguists in the 400-page volume ‘The Alphabet and the Brain: The Lateralization of Writing,” which was published in 1988 by Springer." From The Greek Reporter
Greek Mantras based on wise philosophy maxims are very powerful and help us to manifest a more focused and grounded life connected directly with the true meaning of existence through our third eye (the eye of the souls as Greeks say - Omma tis psihis - Όμμα της ψυχής.
The Greeks were the first ever to begin investigating the brain as the center of consciousness and physical functioning around 700 B.C.E. In the 6th century B.C.E., Alcmaeon of Croton was the first Greek philosopher-scientist to publish a book that firmly established the brain as the “seat of understanding” (Huffman, 2008). It is believed that he was the first to discover that all sensory organs, such as the eyes, were connected to the brain via channels, or poroi, which, in the example of eyes, equates to the optic nerve (Neurosurgery Editorial Office, 2010). He is also attributed with the naming of four out the five senses (sight, hearing, taste, and smell) in understanding sensation and perception. Later philosophers, such as Plato, would come to use the concept of the brain as one of the most important organs, responsible for understanding and intelligence.
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Inroi concept: Inroi - video production: Inroi (ex- Niroi) / Luminus Photography
Is your life out of balance? Do you feel overwhelmed? Are you anxious ? #GreekPhilosophy Helps!27/4/2020
One of the 147 Delphic orders and maybe one of the most important that characterize the Hellenic way of thinking is “Metron Ariston”. This order means that being in the middle; in balance, is the best way, the top way to live.
Pythagoras, one of the greatest philosophers of all time taught this maxim as well. Pythagoras suggests for us to eat and exercise our bodies, to live a way of life in balance, to use our money with the only criterion being our true fulfillment. Satisfaction and needs differ from human to human that's why he does not give us a 'dogmatic answer'. He focuses on the personal balance that satisfies each person within as long as he does not lack of something or exaggerate on the same thing. We must use the observer to control how much we eat or exercise (so we are content), how we live our live (with simplicity and not exaggeration to create envy) and how we spent our money (not unnecessarily as a wasteful but also not to be stingy). Living a life in balance with everything that creates you satisfaction and is in benefit for you and the others and always think before you act. Be the observer. In our days of exaggeration on everything we have lost the balance. Following the advice of Pythagoras can help us live a more meaningful , happier and useful life.
Today I offer my weekly 'Light of Greece' Guided Meditation to relax and transform your fear into freedom. This meditation combines sound and light. If you read any ancient Greek history, you'll see references to the "Hellenic" people and the "Hellenistic" period. "Hel" meaning 'bright' (light) as in the Greek word for 'sun' , 'helios' or 'high-pitched' (sound) as in the German language. ("Hel" also as in "helix", means 'spiral').
Greece is the birthplace of "Logos" ie Logic, Reason, Scientific Method, "The Light" and the goddess Athena represents this type of practical Wisdom. Here's theLINK for every Wednesday meditation in ZOOM
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In this video, I share (a part of my TEDx talk) about how I went from living in fear to freedom. Many years ago, I was working in corporate finance, in a safe job with prospects and a great salary. It was a 'golden prison' though and I felt frustrated and afraid of disappointing my family...See how I was finally able to 'break free', and find my way to a life that I love to this day, doing the work I love. May it inspire you to do the same in your life!
After you see the video, I hope you are inspired to check out myonline course with the same title! Click on the image below to find out more!
In today's guided meditation, you can experience a serious shift in your way of seeing yourself and the world; That is because we will travel back into your childhood to find the source of your less that ideal image of yourself, and self-worth. You may have to listen to it several times, and maybe later as "maintenance" of your new life-perspective.
If you would like to listen to this guided meditation without any interruptions, go ahead and become a PATRON-sponsor of my work, for as little as $9.99 a month. You will receive many, many benefits!
Thanks for your support. With love,Alkistis
Did you know: Deep relaxation practices of consciously recognizing and controlling our thoughts and dreams, has been around for centuries. Since ancient Greek times, "Morpheus" the Greek god of Dreams was venerated. Aristotle, the Greek philosopher and scientist, (384-322 BC) who wrote about this practice in his works, ('On Dreaming' and 'On Sleep and Waking') was the first to note that the images and symbols we see in dream and myth speak directly to our subconscious. Hippocrates, (460-377BC) the Father of modern Medicine, praised induced dreaming & hypnosis for its benefits.
Today I speak about how Easter can be a time of re-birth and renewal even for those who are atheist or agnostics. Stoic philosopher and Roman emperor, Marcus Aurelius, who studied Greek philosophy wrote to himself, " “Think of yourself as dead. You have lived your life. Now take what’s left and live it properly.” In this statement is the secret to real Freedom-to be able to be reborn each day....
You are invited to join my weekly meditations:
"Wonder Wednesdays" to move from FEAR TO FREEDOM Every Wednesday @ Athens : 18:30 New York: 11:30 San Fransisco : 09:30 Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 394 156 935 Password: 398031 Very honored to have been chosen as one of 24 speakers at the (online) Global Self-Leadership Summit: Get your ticket (Free for you as one of my FB followers/friends!)
A Diverse Panel of Global Thought-Leaders & Entrepreneurs From Greece, France, Canada, Italy, Australia, UK & USA Learn from experts in Psychology, Business, Non-Profit, Academia, Finance, Culture, Coaching and Education, You will get the information and inspiration you need to take your life, business or career to the next level.
Today I speak about the Stoic Art of Acquiescence: Accept and love whatever happens...By studying a quote of Marcus Aurelius, the great roman emperor who studied Greek philosophy. Basically Stoics say that rather than resist every thing that happens, that you don't agree with, learn to accept it as the 'Will of Nature'. Change the things you CAN change, and accept the things you cannot. You CAN change your thoughts and actions, you can't change the weather or the (Corona Virus)...
You are invited to join my weekly meditations:
"Wonder Wednesdays" to move from FEAR TO FREEDOM Every Wednesday @ Athens : 18:30 New York: 11:30 San Fransisco : 09:30 Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 394 156 935 Password: 398031
Guided Meditation with the theme of "oikeiôsis" which can be traced back to the work of the first Stoic philosopher, Zeno . Later, the Stoic philosopher Hierocles saw it as the basis for human ethical action. According to Porphyry, "those who followed Zeno stated that oikeiôsis is the beginning of justice"; A just society, as good 'Earth-stewards' of our home planet.
In Stoic ethics, oikeiôsis (Ancient Greek: οἰκείωσις, Latin: conciliatio) is a technical term often translated as "familiarization," "affinity," "affiliation," and "endearment." Oikeiôsis signifies the perception of something as one’s own, as belonging to oneself (ie the Earth, people as one family). Enjoy my dear 'Lover of Wisdom'
In today's GUIDED MEDITATION live-streamed from Greece you will go up a mountain, finding the 4 Cardinal Virtues to assist you on your way...
You are personally invited to a weekly event, live-streamed from Greece "Wonder Wednesdays" to move from FEAR TO FREEDOM Every Wednesday @ Athens : 18:30 New York: 11:30 San Fransisco : 09:30 Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 394 156 935 Password: 398031
The idea of virtue and its role in ethical behavior comes from ancient Greek philosophy. Plato, identified four virtues that have become influential concepts in Western civilization. Now known as the four cardinal virtues, they are wisdom, courage, temperance and justice. He wrote about these virtues in the "Republic," a Socratic dialogue on political theory. Some philosophers have argued that the four virtues provide the basis for all aspects of moral character. Aristotle, a student of Plato, expanded the concept by including additional virtues, as did Christian theologians.
January 2025