The SUNDAY TIMES (Dec. 8, 2019) recently published an article about "Stoicon Conference of Athens" explaining how Silicon Valley CEO's are turning to Modern Stoicism for wisdom and strength. Here is how it begins...
"About 2,300 years ago a successful businessman suffered a reversal of fortune over which he had no control. Zeno of Citium was sailing from Cyprus with a ship full of expensive purple dye, which had been squeezed from special snails – a costly procedure. There was a storm, the ship went down and, with it, Zeno’s livelihood. He was left a beggar, roaming the streets of Athens in rags. But rather than becoming depressed or trying to get his snail-dye business going again, he became a philosopher, launching a school of thought that would become known as Stoicism, based on the central premise that we shouldn’t get upset about things over which we have no control...Much has changed in the past two millennia, but mankind still seeks answers to the complexities of life.."
In 2019 I had the honour of being chosen to co-organize STOICON, the annual conference of the Modern Stoicism Movement, that was born in Great Britain, (Professor Christopher Gill, University of Exeter), Donald Robertson, Therapist, Professor John Sellars etc) but has spread rapidly to North America and the rest of the world, especially through Ryan Holiday (best-selling author "The Obstacle is the Way").
The conference in Athens, was a historical event, as Stoicism returned to Athens after thousands of years, a great success with over 350 attendees from all over the world. So we have decided to make StoiconX an annual event, here in Athens, Greece... The Sunday Times featured my photo in the article...Of course, I was happy about it, but we Stoics don't get too excited about these things : )
Here are the six ways of thinking so that YOU can practice, a Stoic way of life:
1.Tell yourself: “It’s not things that upset me, but my opinions about them.” 2. Describe upsetting events without any emotive language or value judgments, instead sticking to the facts. 3. Picture the longer-term consequences of allowing fear or anger to guide you, versus responding rationally, with greater self-discipline. 4. Ask yourself what someone wise, just, self-disciplined and courageous would do when faced with one of the problems you’re facing. 5. Imagine a situation that’s troubling you from high above, as though looking down on it from a hill or mountaintop. 6. Come to StoiconX in Athens, Greece each year or at a Stoicon near you. Watch Video to find out more...
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