In this week’s episode of “Ask the Greek Oracle”, my guest is Gianneta from Austria wants to overcome compulsive thoughts of insecurity. Watch it, and then, reserve YOUR call for next Wednesday, to learn how to overcome YOUR deepest fear, frustration, obstacle. On the outside, you appear strong, successful and confident, but on the inside, you often feel frustrated, angry and anxious, overwhelmed by life’s relentless onslaught of details, problems, alternatives and considerations... You lie awake at night thinking: -How can I fulfil my greatest potential? -Am I living my life to the fullest? -How can I have a more meaningful life? -How can I make a positive difference in this world? This feeling of ‘being stuck’ can cause havoc in our personal and professional life. The question is: Have you had enough yet? Are you ready to gain clarity, unleash the best version of you, understand what’s important and make the right decisions - the ones that will lead you to real success and happiness? If so, then you are at the right place and time to take charge of your career, your life and most importantly, yourself. I mentor professional women on improving their MINDSET and STRATEGY for their important life & career transitions. The #AlkistisMethod is about asking asking yourself 3 questions regarding your core beliefs 1) Is it true? Is it Kind? Is it useful? , based on the 3 Golden Principles of #GreekPhilosophy (Ethos, Pathos, Logos). Inspired by the Socratic Method of Self-Inquiry. According to Aristotle, one of the greatest philosophers of all time, down-deep inside, most people have variations of these five fears, out of which all other fears are born: 1. Extinction—The fear of annihilation, of ceasing to exist, fear of death. A primary existential anxiety in all normal humans. “I’m afraid that I’ll be poor and hungry.” Mutilation—The fear of losing any part of our body; the thought of being invaded, raped or of losing the integrity of any body part or function. “I’m afraid that I’m going to be mutilated, sick or raped.” 2. Loss of Autonomy—The fear of being immobilized, paralyzed, sick,restricted, enveloped, overwhelmed, entrapped, imprisoned, disabled or otherwise controlled by circumstances beyond our control.“I’m afraid that I’ll become disabled.” 3. Separation—The fear of abandonment, rejection, and loss of connectedness.; of becoming a non-person—unwanted, left alone. I’m afraid that I’ll be abandoned and alone.” 4. Ego-death—The fear of humiliation, shame, loss of integrity; disintegration of one's sense of lovability, capability, and worthiness. The fear of not being worthy or good enough. Having lived a life without purpose. “I’m afraid that I’m not worthy, I won’t achieve anything of significance.” 5. Ego-death—The fear of humiliation, shame, loss of integrity; disintegration of one's sense of lovability, capability, and worthiness. The fear of not being worthy or good enough. Having lived a life without purpose. “I’m afraid that I’m not worthy, I won’t achieve anything of significance.”
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