Humiliation is a powerful feeling. It's a cousin to embarrassment but cuts much deeper. Embarrassment is something we bring upon ourselves that later we can joke about. Humiliation is brought upon by others. It's a loss of dignity and pride...or is it? Watch and find out how a use The ALKISTIS Method to transform humiliation to freedom. Greek Philosophy (Socratic Method, Aristotle & Stoicism) and CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy). With the Socratic method ( described as the foundation of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)— the therapist/coach asks a series of focused, open-ended questions that encourage reflection. By surfacing knowledge that was previously outside of our awareness, the technique produces insightful perspectives and helps identify positive actions. “I know you won’t believe me, but the highest form of human excellence is to question oneself and others.” - Socrates CBT is a way of focusing on the cognitive processes that produce feelings. The approach helps by changing people’s behavior and attitudes with a deeper understanding of thoughts, images, beliefs, and attitudes. Attitudes grooved in neural pathways during childhood become automatic thoughts. The thoughts resulting in disruption in daily life are negative thoughts around situations that created them. CBT allows patients to interrupt these thoughts with a deeper understanding of the errors or distortions in the perception of these automatic thoughts. This type of therapy helps patients to correct misinterpretations of the thoughts that have caused disruption in their daily lives. TO JOIN NEXT WEDNESDAY go to You are invited to join every Wednesday. Find out more here
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