Respect; We all want it, but it’s not that easy to get. How much do people respect you at work ? Find out by answering these 10 critical questions to determine how much respect you have already and how you can gain even more respect at work. To the following questions , just answer Yes/No: 1. Do you focus on building trust with your co-workers daily? 2. Do you cultivate reliability through consistency ? 3. Do you choose to be assertive rather than being aggressive and coersive to get things done? 4. Are you flexible, willing to see things from different perspectives? 5. Are you personal, authentic with your co-workers ? 6. Do you focus on actions rather than argument ? 7. Do you listen to others ? 8. Are your life values (ex. excellence, honor, duty, commitment) reflected in your work ? 9. Are you viewed with respect from most of your collegues? 10.Do you believe in Aristotle’s quote, “The only way to achieve true success is to express yourself completely in service to society.” If you answered “yes” to 8-9 of these 10 questions, CONGRATULATIONS, you are an awesome professional, and people really respect you already…For the rest of you, there’s plenty of work to be done on those areas which where mentioned. If you liked this test, check out my e-learning program on The Art of Influence & Persuasion, through this link here:
1 Comment
3/5/2020 12:20:22 pm
These 10 aspects are absolutely true! and not only for work..
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