How can you manifest more money and financial freedom in general? Most people think its about 'taking massive action'... NO... First you have to do the "Inner Work" and then, MANIFESTING ANYTHING YOU TRULY DESIRE comes easily and naturally. Stop struggling: Manifestation is the process of bringing your desires and intentions into reality through focused thought, belief, and energy alignment. It’s based on the idea that our thoughts and emotions are powerful tools that can shape our experiences. This concept is widely discussed by thought leaders such as Esther Hicks, Joe Dispenza, Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr Wayne Dyer. My teachings emphasize the importance of aligning with the frequency of what you desire. The universe responds to your vibrational energy, so manifesting involves raising your vibration to match the outcome you seek. My signature 3-step method stresses that what you focus on expands, so clarity of desire and emotional alignment are key to successful manifestation. Watch this week's webinar, (live webinar every Monday for members of my YOUTUBE channel)! The AGIO Method©" (#TAM) is a simple 3-step process for manifesting a life and work you love, based on Greek philosophy and neuroscience. We Begin Where Aristotle Left Off...The first book in history on the art of persuasion, The Rhetoric, was written by Aristotle. In his book, he presents the concepts of Ethos (credibility-integrity), Pathos (emotion-imagination) and Logos (logic-reason), as the three traits an orator must have in order to influence and persuade his audience. These three concepts are still the cornerstones of modern leadership today. Let us look at them in more detail:
For Aristotle, Ethos, Pathos and Logos, address the qualities that transform an ordinary person into a great influencer, someone who can inspire and lead others. The unique approach of The AGIO Method® is that Ethos, Pathos and Logos are applied to oneself in order to align your body, mind and spirit…with the outcome you desire (Telos).This makes the manifestation process more rapid than any other manifestation method. Imagine you are a charioteer trying to steer your horses in the same direction. Your horses are pulling you here and there and your chariot is going around in circles…It’s frustrating isn't it? You feel tired and exhausted all the time. Most people are unknowingly sending mixed signals. We want something, but our energy, our actions, our beliefs are saying the opposite. And this is where the disconnect happens. But what if you could fix that? What if you knew how to send out a clear, unshakable signal that aligns with exactly what you desire? The truth is, once you learn how to activate this GPS in 3-Steps, the Universe can't help but respond. It's bound by laws, like gravity. And those laws can work in your favor when you use them correctly. If you're not on the right frequency, you get static. But once you dial on the right frequency, the message comes to you loud and clear. And that's what I'm going to teach you today, how to tune your frequency so that the Universe hears you without confusion, without static, without delay. Now, you've probably heard of the law of attraction, and maybe you've even tried to use it. But here's where things get interesting. Did you know that your subconscious mind controls 95% of your thoughts and behaviors? That means even if you're consciously trying to manifest something, if your subconscious is out of alignment you're fighting an uphill battle. The good news is that there is a way to bring your subconscious and your conscious into harmony. Once you do, the results are astonishing. And this isn't just some mystical concept that's backed by science. It's backed by science. Quantum physics shows us that everything in the universe is energy. You, me, your thoughts, your emotions, even the things you want to manifest are made of energy. The key is learning how to direct that energy in a way that magnetizes your desires to you. In this book-training you'll learn the exact steps it will take to align your body, mind and soul. I'm going to break the process down for you into three powerful steps that anyone can follow. These steps are not just based on wishful thinking. They're grounded in Universal Laws that have been understood by great minds like Plato, Aristotle, Euclid and Pythagoras for centuries. Yet only few truly understand how to use it. Today, you'll be one of the few. You will become an outstanding leader and influencer when you begin to apply these principles to lead yourself; to take charge of your life and manifest a life and work you love. The AGIO Method® refocuses Aristotle’s insights and broadens their scope. It includes such things as making well thought out, balanced decisions and mastering your thoughts and emotions to command your psycho - physiological ‘state’ to align with the outcome you desire. Ultimately, it will help you to awaken from your limiting habits and the robot-state that is keeping you stuck. Like Neo and Trinity from the movie, ‘The Matrix’. (A Hollywood movie inspired by Plato’s theories), you will free yourself. Through this on-going process, Ethos, Pathos and Logos function as a GPS, our inner compass, to help us navigate our way with confidence and efficiency towards the “Telos”. Telos, in Greek means The Compelling Outcome we desire. Because having a vague or inconsistent vision of what you want sends mixed signals to the Universe. What will you get with this book-training? Today we'll explore how to activate your “Ethos” to align your vibration with that “Telos”. This is the step where most people fall short, but once you get it right, things start to fall into place. Through your “Logos”, you'll uncover the secret to releasing resistance; how to let go of your doubts, fears, anxiety, and the need to control the outcome… By releasing all that, you will liberate huge amounts of energy (sexual, spiritual, psychic, mental energy) in your brain and body. This will allow you to take massive action, without ever being tired, irritable or exhausted along your journey... By the end of this book-training, you'll walk out with more than just knowledge. You'll have a clear action plan and start to apply it. And I promise you this, once you start applying The AGIO© Method, putting it into practice every day, things will begin to shift in ways you never thought possible. (Like when I met that woman on the bus in Rome, who offered me a great job as a management trainer). The Universe doesn't do us any favors but it does respond to those who know how to communicate with it. Today you're about to learn how to speak the language of the Universe. You will awaken to the fact that you are actually a “God/Goddess” having a human experience and that you are here to manifest everything you truly desire. This is your natural birthright…You will begin to awaken from your “robot” mode and finally be free. If you're ready to stop chasing your dreams and start attracting them effortlessly, then stay tuned because the GPS I'm about to reveal to you has the power to change everything… Imagine waking up every morning, that the things that you've been striving for are already on their way to you. No more struggling. No more second guessing. Just a clear path between you and what you want. Thank you for choosing to spend your time with me today. You're not here by accident. The fact that you're in this training means you're ready for this knowledge. You're ready to unlock the GPS that will change how you interact with the universe. This will allow the Universe to release its magic.
Telos: What do you truly desire? Many people live their life chasing dreams that seem just outside of reach, and they don't understand things aren't working the way they want. The truth is; it's not because you lack talent, potential, or effort. It's because you're not aligned with what you truly desire. This GPS is about getting in sync with the Universe so it has no choice but to respond to you. This process begins with something simple yet profound clarity of intent. We need a compelling “Telos” Clarity of intent of the compelling outcome you desire.
Did you know that you can overcome your fears and anxiety through my simple method based on the teachings of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle? Watch this week's episode, where I share it in a Workshop in Greece and follow along, as if you were there with us... Let's face it, managing your emotions is no easy task, especially when there are deep seated fears and insecurities that flare up when triggered by some external event. In this exeercise I am sharing a type of ‘filtering system’ for dealing with unwanted, disturbing thoughts that will only ruin your mood, dampen your enthusiasm and drain your energy. This 3-step process is a very useful tool for keeping your mind peaceful and functioning at its best. It's based on what is known as "Socratic ‘Elenchus" (Ancient Greek: ἔλεγχος, Romanized: ‘elenkhos’, means Audit, Cross-examination, Scrutiny). We find this ancient method in Plato's early dialogues. The "Elenchus" is the technique Socrates used to investigate our inner narratives which may not always be true or justified. Purpose: Using three ‘filters’ to overcome distressing, frustrating, angering, fear-filled thoughts and beliefs you may presently hold, and keep your mind peaceful and efficient. Instructions: Bring to mind a particular thought or belief that worries, distresses or angers you, regarding your personal or professional life. It can be a large or small thing.... Now watch the video of a recent workshop that I led in Greece, and learn how to apply the 3 filters to transform your fears (anxiety, anger, resentment) into FREEDOM.... As a mindset coach, I’ve seen firsthand how hypnosis can be a powerful tool for breaking free from money and success blocks that many of us inherit from our families. These blocks often stem from limiting beliefs passed down through generations—beliefs like "money is hard to come by" or "wealth leads to corruption." These deep-rooted ideas, often imprinted in childhood, can subtly sabotage our financial growth and overall success. Through hypnosis, we can access the subconscious mind, where these limiting beliefs reside, and begin to reprogram them. Interestingly, the ancient Greeks used a method called "hypnagogia" to heal people, which involved guiding individuals into a deep state between wakefulness and sleep. This hypnagogic state is incredibly powerful because it's when the mind is most open to suggestion and healing. Just as the Greeks used this state to initiate physical and emotional healing, we can use it today to retrain the brain to release inherited money and success blocks. When we're in this state, the brain's normal defenses are lowered, allowing us to bypass limiting beliefs and instill new, empowering ones. Through hypnosis, we tap into a similar state to what the Greeks utilized, allowing us to rewire the neural pathways that dictate our thoughts and behaviors. With consistent practice, hypnosis helps us retrain the brain to think more abundantly, aligning our mindset with the success and financial prosperity we desire. My mission is to liberate people from their own limits so they can manifest a life & work they love! Since 2007, my weekly videos, talks, guided meditations, have brought relief, wellness, empowerment and inspiration to over 1.6 million people here on YouTube and I feel that we've only just begun ! In this video I refer to a FREE Self-Hypnosis mp3,CLICK HERE to listen to it.
As a mindset coach, I’ve seen firsthand how hypnosis can be a powerful tool for breaking free from money and success blocks that many of us inherit from our families. These blocks often stem from limiting beliefs passed down through generations—beliefs like "money is hard to come by" or "wealth leads to corruption." These deep-rooted ideas, often imprinted in childhood, can subtly sabotage our financial growth and overall success. Through hypnosis, we can access the subconscious mind, where these limiting beliefs reside, and begin to reprogram them.
Interestingly, the ancient Greeks used a method called "hypnagogia" to heal people, which involved guiding individuals into a deep state between wakefulness and sleep. This hypnagogic state is incredibly powerful because it's when the mind is most open to suggestion and healing. Just as the Greeks used this state to initiate physical and emotional healing, we can use it today to retrain the brain to release inherited money and success blocks. When we're in this state, the brain's normal defenses are lowered, allowing us to bypass limiting beliefs and instill new, empowering ones. Through hypnosis, we tap into a similar state to what the Greeks utilized, allowing us to rewire the neural pathways that dictate our thoughts and behaviors. With consistent practice, hypnosis helps us retrain the brain to think more abundantly, aligning our mindset with the success and financial prosperity we desire. How do you feel about that? Like, Comment, Share and moost of all JOIN as a member of my YT channel to get all the perks and benefits! Love From Greece, Alkistis
This is how you too can get exactly what you want from the Universe...
You see, I USED TO BE SKEPTICAL about such videos too... but then I TRIED this out and it brought me EXACLTY the lifestyle I dreamed of... (Not to boast but...I transitioned from a job I hated in corporate finance into becoming a lifecoach, I married the guy I always wanted, I live in my dream house by the beach in Greece, I and have multiple streams of income etc...) PLEASE TRUST ME ON THIS...You will THANK ME within 1 month when coincidences start happening in your favor! Click on the image to see video step-by-step method. Manifestation is the process of bringing your desires and intentions into reality through focused thought, belief, and energy alignment. It’s based on the idea that our thoughts and emotions are powerful tools that can shape our experiences. This concept is widely discussed by thought leaders such as Esther Hicks, Joe Dispenza and myself, Dr. Alkistis Agio “The Greek Goddess of Manifestation”. Through my teachings I emphasize the importance of aligning with the frequency of what you desire. I suggest that the Universe responds to your vibrational energy, so manifesting involves raising your vibration to match the outcome you seek. My signature 3-step method stresses that what you focus on expands, so clarity of desire and emotional alignment are key to successful manifestation. The AGIO Method integrates ancient Greek philosophy with the latest in scientific research; blending quantum physics with science. I teach that thoughts are electric, and emotions are magnetic, which together create a powerful energy field that attracts similar vibrations. In my books and seminars, I focus on how rewiring the brain and altering subconscious beliefs can help people break free from limiting patterns and manifest new realities. Through meditation, visualization, and focused intention, individuals can create lasting change and draw desired experiences into their lives. Manifesting is not just about wishful thinking but involves action, emotional commitment, and self-awareness. In my method, I highlight the importance of being in a state of deep gratitude, as it aligns you with abundance. The concept has gained popularity on social media, where hashtags like #manifestation, #lawofattraction, #manifesting, #abrahamhicks, #joedispenza, #TAM (The AGIO Method) and #highvibes are used to share success stories and tips. Whether through the spiritual-philosophical lens or the scientific perspective manifestation is a powerful tool for creating a life aligned with one’s deepest desires. It’s about becoming a vibrational match to your dreams, practicing self-awareness, and taking inspired action to turn thoughts into tangible outcomes. Since 2007, my weekly videos, talks, guided meditations, have brought relief, wellness, empowerment and inspiration to over 1.6 million people here on YouTube and I feel that we've only just begun ! Over the years, I have tried, tested and developed my own signature method: The AGIO Method© ... As you watch me videos, try to practice every single day... And join my WEEKLY GROUP COACHING (as a VIP MEMBER OF MY CHANNEL it's free)!
Manifestation is the process of bringing your desires and intentions into reality through focused thought, belief, and energy alignment. It’s based on the idea that our thoughts and emotions are powerful tools that can shape our experiences.
NEW: JOIN my YouTube channel as a VIP MEMBER to get access to perks like WEEKLY GROUP COACHING & FREE ONLINE COURSE Over the years, I have tried, tested and developed my own signature method: The AGI0 Method© by Dr. Alkistis Agio a 3-step process for manifesting what you truly want and is based on Greek philosophy and Science. Whether through the spiritual-philosophical lens or the scientific perspective manifestation is a powerful tool for creating a life aligned with one’s deepest desires. It’s about becoming a vibrational match to your dreams, practicing self-awareness, and taking inspired action to turn thoughts into tangible outcomes. Manifestation is the process of bringing your desires and intentions into reality through focused thought, belief, and energy alignment. It’s based on the idea that our thoughts and emotions are powerful tools that can shape our experiences. Through my teachings, I emphasize the importance of aligning (your heart, mind and actions) with the frequency of what you desire. The universe responds to your vibrational energy, so manifesting involves raising your vibration to match the outcome you seek. My famous 3-step method stresses that what you focus on expands, so clarity of desire and emotional alignment are key to successful manifestation. The AGIO Method integrates ancient Greek philosophy with the latest in scientific research; blending quantum physics with neuroscience. Thoughts are electric, and emotions are magnetic, which together create a powerful energy field that attracts similar vibrations. In my books and seminars, I focus on how rewiring the brain and altering subconscious beliefs can help you break free from limiting patterns and manifest new realities. Through meditation, visualization, and focused intention you can create lasting change and draw desired experiences into your life. WATCH VIDEO & JOIN THE VIP MEMBERSHIP if you want to start practicing my 3-step method today! Love & Light, Alkistis... You're not FREE...You're still a "prisoner" of your thoughts and habits... And that's why you keep getting the same results again and again. How can you break free? In this week's episode, I share an exercise from my recent retreat in Greece! The first step of manifesting a life and work you love is to manage your thoughts.. But what is "manifestation"? The practice of "manifestation" is a powerful mental training tool that can shape the way individuals experience their reality. The AGI0 Method© is a 3-step process for manifesting what you truly want is based on Greek philosophy and Neuroscience. I have developed this technique of mental-emotional training after over 25 years of experience as a leadership trainer and coach to top CEOs and VIPs...that cost them thousands of dollars. Now you can access it for free! Watch the video and make sure to like, comment, subscribe and JOIN AS A MEMBER. In the vast expanse of the universe, there exists a powerful, unseen force that guides the flow of energy and intention—what we often refer to as the Law of Attraction. This law, deeply rooted in both quantum physics and ancient spiritual teachings, operates in each moment of our lives, shaping our reality in ways that may seem mysterious, yet are profoundly simple when understood. To manifest a life and work you love, without the burden of struggle, is not merely a dream; it is a natural state of being when we align with this universal truth. When we speak of manifesting, we are discussing more than just bringing something into your life. It’s about resonating at the frequency of what you desire so fully that it becomes an inevitable part of your reality. Your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are the building blocks of this process. They are the energy signals you send out into the universe, which then reflects back the corresponding experiences into your life. To manifest with ease, to create a life of abundance and purpose without struggle, you must become a conscious creator, aware of the power within you. The first step on this journey is to cultivate a deep sense of clarity about what you truly want. Often, we live in a state of confusion, driven by external expectations and societal norms, rather than our authentic desires. Take a moment to sit with yourself in stillness. In this space, ask yourself: What does my soul truly long for? What kind of work would make my heart sing? When you find the answers that resonate with your inner being, you set the foundation for manifesting. Next, embody the feeling of already living your desired reality. This is where the magic happens. The universe does not distinguish between what is real and what is vividly imagined. When you feel the emotions of success, joy, and fulfillment as though they are already present, you begin to align your frequency with the life you wish to create. This is not about pretending or faking it; it’s about genuinely tapping into the vibration of your desired reality. Visualize it, feel it in your heart, and let that energy permeate your daily life. Now, understand that struggle is a manifestation of resistance. When you feel as though you must fight or push against circumstances to achieve your goals, you are actually sending out a signal of lack, of not having what you desire. This resistance only attracts more struggle. Instead, practice surrender—allow the universe to work on your behalf. Trust that what you seek is also seeking you. The journey to manifesting the life and work you love is about flow, not force. In this state of surrender, take inspired action. This is action that feels natural, joyful, and in alignment with your highest self. When you act from this place, you are moving in harmony with the universe. Opportunities, connections, and resources will appear as if by magic, because you are now in the flow of creation rather than struggling against the current. Finally, practice gratitude. Gratitude is the ultimate state of receivership. When you are grateful for what you have, and for what is coming, you expand your capacity to receive even more. Gratitude shifts your energy from one of lack to one of abundance. It is the key that opens the door to more of what you desire. Remember, manifesting a life and work you love without struggle is your birthright. It is the natural outcome of living in alignment with your true self, trusting in the process, and allowing the universe to guide you. Embrace this truth, and watch as the life you have always dreamed of unfolds effortlessly before you. Greek philosophy plays a significant role in manifesting desires by providing timeless wisdom and principles that guide individuals towards self-awareness, purpose, and alignment with their true desires. The AGIO Method© integrates Greek philosophy with neuroscience to help people overcome their limitations and manifest what they truly want. I have a surprise for you! You're invited to my “Wonder Wednesday” Group Coaching, Q & A, Live-streaming session EVERY WEDNESDAY-( It usually costs $24.99 per month but you get to join a session for FREE! ) JOIN HERE Ask any questions about what’s troubling you most and learn how to process it with my simple 3-Step Method based on Greek Philosophy & Modern Science. (We meet at these times: Athens 21:00, New Yor 14:00, L.A. 11:00, Dubai 23:00) I can’t wait to see you there and are looking forward to an engaging and enlightening session. If you have any questions beforehand, feel free to reply to this message. HOW DOES THAT SOUND? You’re WELCOME! With Love, Alkistis Dr.Alkistis Agio |